CHINA Mobile Codes
LCD Contrast => *#369#
Software version => *#900#
Set English languse => *#001#
Set Default language => *#0000#
Default user CODEx 1234, 1122, 3324, 5678
Enginer mode => *#110*01#
Factory mode => *#987#
Restore Factory Settings
>Default user code : 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
>Engineer mode : *#110*01#
>Factory mode : *#987#
>Enable COM port : *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
>Restore factory settings : *#987*99#
>LCD contrast : *#369#
>Software version : *#800#
>Software version : *#900#
>Set default language : *#0000# Send
>Set English language : *#0044# Send
>Set English language (new firmware) : *#001#
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GSM Secret Codes
Sagem Service Cell Phone / Mobiles Unlock Codes
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Motorola Cell Phone / Mobiles Unlock Codes
Software version => *#900#
Set English languse => *#001#
Set Default language => *#0000#
Default user CODEx 1234, 1122, 3324, 5678
Enginer mode => *#110*01#
Factory mode => *#987#
Restore Factory Settings
>Default user code : 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
>Engineer mode : *#110*01#
>Factory mode : *#987#
>Enable COM port : *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
>Restore factory settings : *#987*99#
>LCD contrast : *#369#
>Software version : *#800#
>Software version : *#900#
>Set default language : *#0000# Send
>Set English language : *#0044# Send
>Set English language (new firmware) : *#001#
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Reset Samsung Mobile Tracker Codes
GSM Secret Codes
Sagem Service Cell Phone / Mobiles Unlock Codes
LG Cell Phone / Mobiles Unlock Codes
Motorola Cell Phone / Mobiles Unlock Codes
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